Congregante, Bishop Luis del Castillo, SJ, Celebrates 70 years as a Jesuit

Today marks the 70th anniversary of Bishop Luis del Castillo's entry into the Society of Jesus. Bishop Castillo, a native of Montevideo, Uruguay, entered the novitiate for the Society of

Jesus at the age of 18. He obtained a degree in Philosophy in Argentina and Theology in France where he learned French. He was ordained a Jesuit priest at the age of 31 following the intensive formation period of the Society of Jesus which included learning Italian. Four years after his ordination, he was named rector of the prestigious K to 12 Sacred Heart School in Montevideo, which was founded in 1880. He spent eight years as rector of Sacred Heart. Shortly thereafter, he was selected to open and become the founding President of the Catholic University in Uruguay. It became the first and largest private religious university in Uruguay with enrollment eventually topping 10,000 students.

At the age of 53, the Pope appointed him Auxiliary Bishop for Montevideo. Shortly thereafter, he
returned to his passion of leading young people to discover Christ and was named rector of the
national seminary of Uruguay. He was then appointed to serve as Bishop of Melo, Uruguay, bordering Brazil, where he learned Portuguese.

After his episcopal retirement in 2009 he was invited by the Jesuit General at the time, Father Adolfo Nicolas, S.J., to serve in Santiago de Cuba. Ever since, he has helped that diocese which includes the Basilica de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre.

He passed to Congregante on December 9, 2017. He has been invaluable to the Agrupacion. Bishop Castillo has directed numerous spiritual exercises for both men and women in English and Spanish. He presided over Guardia Masses, led study circles, and led Cana Group gatherings. His experience and leadership in youth ministry was instrumental in launching the University of Miami student group. He took the initiative to lead the MDC Campus Catholic ministry, which was in its infancy. And he served the FIU Campus ministry program.

May the Lord continue to bless Bishop Castillo in his service. 


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