Father and Son Initiative Brightens Dining Room at the Missionaries of Charity

The Agrupación's Father and Son initiative recently brightened the dining room at the Missionaries of Charity, which serves homeless women. The dining area was previously dark, with only one lightbulb to illuminate the entire space. This was especially problematic at night.

To help, the Father and Son group installed new lighting in the dining room. They found an electrician and took up a collection to pay for the electrical work.

The next goal of the Father and Son group is to paint the dining room with their sons. They were asked to do this by the missionaries. The goal is to provide a well-lit and clean environment for the homeless women who rely on the Missionaries of Charity for support.

The Father and Son initiative is grateful for the opportunity to have served the Missionaries of Charity and the homeless men and women who rely on them for support.


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ACU University of Miami Student Group