Father Amando Llorente, S.J., Scholarship

Two of the four Scholarship recipients were presented at the Miami Chapter Guardia this past Wednesday, December 20, 2023. The Scholarship is available to members of the Esto Vir Group that take on a leadership role and have formally entered the Sodality by a public profession of faith. Joey Toledo served on the leadership board for the Group and formally entered the Sodality on December 8, 2022. Joey is a freshman at North Carolina State University and studying engineering. Joey´s father, Jose Toledo, is a Congregante. Lucas Jimenez served as a vice president and also formally entered the Sodality on December 8, 2022. He is in his propaedeutic year at St. John Vianney College Seminary and actively discerning a vocation to the priesthood to serve in the Archdiocese of Miami. His brother, Andres, was a 2022 recipient of the Llorente Scholarship. 


Passing of Amaro Taquechel


A Token of Gratitude