Catholic Investor Symposium
Our Director, Father Christian Saenz, S.J., along with a couple of other Agrupados attended a symposium in Chicago hosted by Catholic Investment Services (CIS). The presenters at the conference, which included the heads of significant Catholic endowment funds, shared best practices and facilitated discussions on how to be responsible stewards. One of the presenters, Jean-Baptiste de Franssu the head of the Institutum pro Operibus Religionis (commonly known as the Vatican Bank), gave a heartfelt fireside chat about the recent reforms at the Vatican Bank. Mr. de Franssu participated in the preparation of the recent Vatican guidelines for investing titled Mensuram Bonam, Latin for "good measure".
The Father Amando Llorente, S.J., Foundation has private equity investments with CIS as part of its diversified investment portfolio. CIS provides the opportunity for the Llorente Foundation to invest in accordance with Catholic as well as Jesuit investment values. CIS not only refrains from making investments in objectionable companies, but makes investments that promote the Common Good [Catechism of the Catholic Church (nos. 1906-1909)] also known as impact investing. The Llorente Foundation was funded in 2016 with the proceeds of the sale of the Juan Pablo II Retreat House on Biscayne Bay just north of downtown Miami.
Catholic Investment Services was founded in 2014 in response to a need to provide Catholic institutions with a vehicle to invest according to our Catholic values.