Agrupación Católica Universitaria Agrupación Católica Universitaria

Homily of Fr. Llorente San Jose Obrero

The Church celebrated San José Obrero this past Monday. Fr. Llorente had a very special love for San José and spoke much to us about him. Here is one of at least ten recordings the ACU has of Fr. Llorente’s preaching on Jesus’ foster father (“padre putitivo” in Spanish).

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Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe

If memory serves us right, we began to distribute ACU Classic homilies one year ago this week. With the liturgical year about to end, we will continue releasing classic homilies on the recurring celebratory dates, but because Fr. Llorente left us multiple homilies for each celebration, we are appending the language and year in which the homily was preached, in order to keep them all organized. We are exploring new “deep fake” technology to see if we can deliver Fr. Llorente’s homilies in English and with video, too.

We now share a Christ the King vignette, a written pictorial account of the celebration in our Havana House (circa 1956).

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The Solemnity of All Saints Day

Fr. Llorente Todos Los Santos homily from 1998 is on tap for you today, liturgy celebrated by the Church this past Tuesday, November 1 Solemnity of All Saints, the reality of our Church Triumphant. Fr. Llorente’s preaching and pedagogy in full display. Enjoy and profit from it.

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Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila

On Saturday, October 15, 2022, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Virgin and Doctor of the Church. Anyone that did Spiritual Exercises with Fr. Amando Llorente will know that she was, most certainly, his favorite Saint, excepting the Immaculate Virgin Mary and St. Ignatius of Loyola of course, the two Patron Saints of the ACU. It is the first Classic ACU homily we have released this liturgical year, soon coming to an end, in which Fr. Llorente extends his preaching beyond his own self-imposed 20 minutes. It is wonderful.

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Our Lady of the Rosary

Here’s one of a handful of homilies of Fr. Llorente on Our Lady of the Rosary that were saved through the efforts of agrupados that volunteered for an apostolate of outreach to agrupados away from the Miami House, recording the guardias on cassette tapes (before the days of the Internet) and circulating them among the various houses. This one is from October 1998 and is named, "El Rosario y Nuestra Señora-Batalla de Lepanto.” Nevertheless, in his inimitable style, he works in the history of the memorial, that is the battle of Lepanto, the ACU heroes and martyrs of Guajaybón, Bishop Fulton Sheen and Dr. Carlos Finlay, discoverer of the yellow fever.

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The Exaltation of the Cross

This week we surprise with a slightly different format, a peek at what the Canonization Commission is striving towards with respect to the cause in favor of Fr. Llorente. Among the documentation (on paper, electronic format is not acceptable) required for a cause are all the writings of the candidate for beatification. There are very few writings of Fr. Llorente in the ACU files, but there are hundreds of homilies. We contend that these are his “writings” — the homilies of a masterful preacher. So, this week, we offer two homilies preached thirty years apart on the same liturgical Feast, that of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The homily, of course, is in Spanish and was the first Fr. Llorente homily recorded following the ACU’s exile. It dates from September 3 1962. We also include the homily for the sage liturgical Feast, dated September 18, 1991. Additionally, we include the transcription and its translation into English. As explained earlier, this is one of the goals of the Commission.

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Most Sacred Heart of Christ & Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The liturgical calendar offers two Solemnities and one Memorial this week, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Thursday), the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Friday), and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday), respectively. As the Church considers Solemnities, more important than Feasts, which in turn, are considered more important than Memorials, we offer the two Memorials at once. The first was from June 1999, and the second was from June of 1997.

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Corpus Christi

Anticipating this coming Sunday’s celebration of THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi), we searched ACU’s historic archives and found this May 1989 Fr. Llorente homily on this Solemnity, touching on faith vs. miracles, Protestant vs. Catholic beliefs, on related experiences in his English seminary, on the value of the Eucharist to us, on St. Teresa of Avila’s views, and much more. Enjoy!

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Pentecost Sunday

As we complete the Easter liturgical season and near the return to Ordinary Time, we reach back to 1993 to present Fr. Llorente’s homily for Pentecost Sunday. We know you will enjoy and profit from it.

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The Ascension of The Lord

This Thursday or coming Sunday (depending on your location) the Church in the USA will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Here is a 1998 (dedicated to the Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church, in anticipation of the new millennium). ACU records include at least 5 other homilies by Fr. Llorente on this celebration, in this one he includes some Spanish history on the monasteries of Burgos and of Silos, and on Santo Domingo de Guzmán and Santo Domingo de Silos, on his way to delivering the main points of the homily.

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The Rosary & Our Lady of Fatima

As this Friday in the fourth week of Easter and the Church celebrates Our Lady of Fatima, we reproduce an early pamphlet on Las Lecciones de Fátima (The Lessons of Fatima) by agrupado Dr. Raul A. Arango, one of dozens of writings on dogma, apologetics and morals put out by the ACU Bureau of Information and Outreach (BIP, by its acronym in Spanish). And we present another homily of Fr. Llorente, this one from a different liturgical period and year (Oct. 1991), but touching upon the subject of this apparition of our Mother, entitled The Rosary and Our Lady of Fatima, where he updates the Fatima event and even manages to work in a bit of history on the rosary concerning Cuban doctor of Belén Carlos Finlay, recognized as a pioneer in the research of yellow fever, determining that it was transmitted by mosquitoes. Enjoy!

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Our Lady of Fatima

On this May, month of Mary, we anticipate the celebration of Our Lady of Fatima next Friday, May 13, fourth week of Easter. We have digitized, so far, four separate Fr. Llorente homilies on Our Lady of Fatima and here’s the last one of them, dated May 20, 1998. Sister Lucia of Fatima was still alive at the time. On this recording one can sense how much Fr. Llorente loved talking about our Mother and our Church. All other homilies of Fr. Llorente will eventually appear in The ACU App. Please download it onto your smartphone, whether Apple iOS or Android devices. We were just informed that all audio cassettes in our possession have now been digitized and look forward to having them reviewed, categorized and released to the world. If you would like to be of assistance on that project, please contact

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The Resurrection

One of Fr. Llorente’s homilies on the Resurrection (1995). Interestingly, amidst the usually excellent preaching, he shares his personal intuition that all mothers go to heaven.

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Las Tres Pasiones de Cristo

For Holy Week here’s Fr. Llorente’s homily, LAS TRES PASIONES DE CRISTO, from April 1, 1998. Side note of interest: When asked about the reading of the Bible, Fr. Llorente would counsel that the reader start with a biography of our Lord Jesus Christ. Over time he mentioned two works, 1) Bishop Fulton Sheen’s Life of Christ, written in English (~200 pgs.) and translated into Spanish (the latter out of print) and most recently, as he did in this homily, he recommended the work by fellow Jesuit Fr. José Luis Martín Descalzo, Vida y Misterio de Jesús de Nazaret (~1,000 pgs.).

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Sin No More

Following last week’s 1990 homily, Fr, Llorente chose to preach “Sin no more,” with the intent of having us progress toward a more Christian life through Exercises, penitence, sacrifice, religious reading, prayer, the assistance of neighbor, etc. Enjoy.

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The 3 Grades of Conversion

Fr. Llorente's “Conversion” homily for Lent, from the 1990 liturgical year. Among other teachings, Fr. Llorente covers forgiveness in the Old vs. the New Testament (including an anecdote regarding a great sinner we are all familiar with) and the three grades of conversion. Don’t miss it.

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The Value of Pain and Sacrifice

Fr. Llorente’s Advent homily on the value of pain and sacrifice, from 1989.

Please remember to write a note to Archbishop of Miami Thomas G. Wenski, supporting the cause for beatification of our dear Fr. Amando Llorente, SJ.. copying in ACU’s Canonization Commission.

If you have any questions feel free to write ( or call us +1(305)308-8544.

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