The Exaltation of the Cross
This week we surprise with a slightly different format, a peek at what the Canonization Commission is striving towards with respect to the cause in favor of Fr. Llorente. Among the documentation (on paper, electronic format is not acceptable) required for a cause are all the writings of the candidate for beatification. There are very few writings of Fr. Llorente in the ACU files, but there are hundreds of homilies. We contend that these are his “writings” — the homilies of a masterful preacher. So, this week, we offer two homilies preached thirty years apart on the same liturgical Feast, that of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The homily, of course, is in Spanish and was the first Fr. Llorente homily recorded following the ACU’s exile. It dates from September 3 1962. We also include the homily for the sage liturgical Feast, dated September 18, 1991. Additionally, we include the transcription and its translation into English. As explained earlier, this is one of the goals of the Commission.
We also transcribed and translated perhaps ACU’s most important booklet, penned by one of its presidents, later, also president of the onetime World Federation of Our Lady’s Sodality, and one of the greatest intellectuals of this generation, José Ignacio Lasaga y Travieso, PhD. We encourage all agrupados to read this information booklet translated for the first time, or to reread the original Spanish version. The English version includes a complete listing of all Bureau of Information and Propaganda (we might use the word Outreach today) booklets.