Visit to the Washington, D.C. Chapter

Our Director, Fr. Christian Sáenz, SJ, had a productive visit to the Washington, D.C. Chapter. He was accompanied by our national president, Manny Anton, and pastoral administrator, Erik Vieira. They had an opportunity to meet with the leaders of the student group at the Catholic University of America, more specifically, at the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at the Busch School of Business. The Student Group is beginning its third year of meetings with the primary support of Professor Andreas Widmer and Professor Frederic Suatet. Additionally, they met with the St. Ignatius Fraternity, an apostolate that is led by Alexander Navarro, president of the D.C. Chapter, at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Fairfax, VA. There is interest in incorporating formal ACU formation into the group's agenda. A special Saturday Guardia was held in person at the D.C. Residence on September 16. This was one of the few times that the D.C. Chapter held an in-person Guardia. Following Mass, the Agrupados met to discuss updates at the ACU. Finally, a family Mass was held on Sunday, September 17, at the DC residence to gather with Agrupados, spouses, and their families. 


ACU Young Professionals Formation Group Summary


Feast of Our Lady of Charity in Montevideo, Uruguay