UCatholic - University of Miami Campus Ministry Program 

At a recent daily Mass Congregant Father Richard Vigoa, Pastor of St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center, gave a special blessing to the student leadership team of UCatholic. UCatholic is the campus ministry program at the University of Miami administered by St. Augustine Parish.

 Four Agrupados serve as student-leaders at UCatholic: Aspirant Gabriel Suero Diaz serves as President, Aspirant Lucas Barbosa as social chair, Congregant Sean Festa as liturgical coordinator for the 8pm Sunday campus ministry Mass, and Congregant Neyton Baltodano serves as the President of the UCatholic ACU Men's Honor Society.

 In addition to Father Vigoa, UCatholic is supported by Michelle Ducker Lopez, Director of Campus Ministry; Trish Vega, Campus Ministry Coordinator; Javier Lugo, FOCUS team leader; as well as by Father Leo Siqueira, the Catholic Chaplain of the University of Miami.


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Mensaje Para el Domingo 27 de Agosto, 2023