UCatholic (University of Miami) Baccalaureate Mass, and graduation recognitions

Congregants Neyton Baltodano (aerospace engineering) and Sean Festa (architecture) received their ACU graduation stoles during the UCatholic Baccalaureate Mass, which was celebrated on May 9 at St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center. The Mass is a send-off to graduates and is traditionally celebrated the night before the commencement ceremonies.

Neyton (on the left in a nearby photo) received the College of Engineering’s most prestigious honor given each year to a graduate: the Professor Thomas Brownell Award for service, honor, integrity, and dedication. He will be attending Georgia Tech in the fall to pursue a doctorate degree. Sean (on the right in a nearby photo) graduated summa cum laude with a near-perfect GPA and will be starting his architecture career shortly at an architecture firm in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

At the last meeting of the ACU University of Miami Student Group, Neyton received a leather-bound “Word on Fire Bible” in recognition and appreciation for serving as president of the group. Our Director, Father Jorge Luis Rojas, S.J., dedicated the Bible to him with the following words: “Dear Neyton, In recognition and appreciation for serving as the president of the ACU University of Miami Student Group. Go forth and set the world on fire. AMDG, Fr. Jorge Luis Rojas, S.J.” (see photo of dedication nearby).


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