Two New Postulants from the ACU University of Miami Student Group

Last Sunday, during the Campus Ministry Mass at St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center, our Director, Father Christian Saenz, S.J., accepted the Postulant Promise from two students.  Father Jorge Rojas, S.J., our incoming Director concelebrated the Mass.  Newly-ordained transitional deacon Mike Martinez, S.J. assisted the celebrants.  It was deacon Mike's first Sunday Mass after returning to Miami.

 The two new Postulants are: Luis Pomareda and Matias Barbosa.

 Luis is currently a Miami-Dade Honors College student and has been accepted as a second year transfer student to the University of Miami.  His major is architecture.  He is planning on moving into the UCatholic ACU Student Residence.  His mentor is architect Roberto Vich.

 Matias is a sophomore computer science major at FIU.  While in high school he served as the President of our Esto Vir Group.  His brother Marco is an ACU Congregant and a first-year law student at the University of Miami.  Matias has another brother, Lucas, an ACU Aspirant and FIU student.  Julio Villafañe, an engineer and telecommunications business executive, is Matias' mentor.

 Both new Postulants traveled earlier this year with a group from Miami that joined the Atlanta Chapter at their traditional lechón celebration.


Agrupacion Explores Faith and Leadership with Postulante Bob Chisholm


Fundacion P. Felix Varela - Proxima “Peña Vareliana”