Miami Chapter Visit to Puerto Rico

Newly elected president Dr. Manny Antón recently undertook a visit to the San Juan Chapter, accompanied by Fr. Christian and Erik Vieira. During their visit, the group participated in several significant events and meetings.

One of the highlights of their visit was the celebration of Mass by Father Christian, who was joined by recently ordained Father José Dueño SJ. This Mass was a spiritual and symbolic moment, signifying unity and the presence of faith within their endeavors.

Apart from their religious activities, the officials also engaged in important discussions regarding the role of the ACU in serving its students. To facilitate this conversation, they met with Interamerican University Rector Marylina Wayland. This meeting was aimed at exploring ways in which the ACU can continue to provide effective support and services to its student body, ensuring a fulfilling educational experience.

Unfortunately, not everything went as planned during their visit. The group had intended to visit Colegio San Ignacio, but this visit had to be rescheduled for a future trip. The reason for this change was an unexpected event that required the attention of Fr. Howe. While the exact nature of the event isn't specified, it was evidently important enough to divert Fr. Howe's attention and necessitate the rescheduling of the visit to Colegio San Ignacio.

In summary, the visit of President Dr. Manny Antón, Fr. Christian, and Erik Vieira to the San Juan Chapter encompassed various activities, including a Mass celebration and meetings to discuss the educational services provided by the ACU.


Laudate Deum: Sobre la Crisis Climática


Congregante Fr. Kyle Shinseki, SJ