Miami Chapter Spiritual Exercises

This past weekend the Miami Chapter held the Spiritual Exercises for Men in English at the Manresa Retreat Center. Our Director, Fr. Christian A. Sáenz, S.J., led a full house of 39 men on the Exercises. This was Fr. Sáenz' final set of Spiritual Exercises as our Ecclesiastical Director. Agrupados across generations participated, including members of the Young Professionals formation group, which had a strong showing. Numerous University of Florida Gator alumni also attended, including members of the Catholic Gators apostolate, who were accompanied by a UF student, Grant Houde, who made the trip from Gainesville to attend his first Spiritual Exercises. We are grateful for the turnout, and remain hopeful that Fr. Sáenz will continue to lead the Exercises for the ACU while on break from his duties in Rome next year. 


Esto Vir Group: Miami Heat v. Indiana Pacers


Washington D.C. Chapter: CUA Student Group