Inmaculada Weekend

This past weekend we gathered for the Inmaculada Festivities during which five young men became Congregantes. Additionally, the weekend was a great opportunity to celebrate the five years of service of our Director, Fr. Christian A. Sáenz, S.J., as we bid him safe travels to Rome for his new Mission. We were also pleased to have our Director-elect, Fr. Jorge Luis Rojas, S.J., present at these events.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The weekend began with a general meeting for Congregants at the Miami Chapter Campus on the morning of Saturday, December 9. Our National President, Dr. Manny Antón, III, updated all those present on various matters related to the ACU, including the growth of the aspirantado across the Chapters. Miami currently has three active formation groups spanning three demographics: the college group at St. Augustine; the young professional group; and an adult group. Additionally, the Esto Vir Group continues to thrive and serve as a precursor to the college and young professional groups. Most inspiring is the formation of the student group at Texas A&M University, which is led by Congregante Ramiro Rodriguez. Washington D.C. continues to strengthen ties with CUA. The San Juan, Puerto Rico Chapter has made strides in establishing a physical presence at Interamerican University. And Atlanta is prepared to reignite its success at Georgia Tech.

Then, we hosted our guests from the Jesuit Association of American Marian Sodalities for a panel discussion on the resurgence of Marian Sodalities at Jesuit Institutions in the U.S. Members of the panel included Fr. Joseph Hill, S.J., Fr. Matthew Baugh, S.J., Br. Nick Blair, S.J., Gabrielle Smith, and Alex Scalco. Br. Nick Blair is serving his regency at Jesuit High School New Orleans, which was the first institution in the Province of the Central Southern United States to reinstitute the Sodality model more than a decade ago. Sodalities are currently operating at Tampa Jesuit High School, Spring Hill College, St. Louis Jesuit High School, and St. Louis University. There are discussions to start sodalities at Cristo Rey High School in Chicago, Rockhurst High School, and Strake Jesuit High School. The panel addressed the formation of the Association, which is referred to by its acronym, JAAMS. The ACU played a pivotal role in the formation of the Association. JAAMS successfully organized a conference of Marian Sodalities this past June in New Orleans, the first of its kind in nearly 50 years, and marking the 460th anniversary of the founding of the Sodality model in Rome. And the Association is preparing for another conference in St. Louis scheduled for June 10-11, 2024. 

Following the panel discussion, the visiting Jesuits joined our Director, Fr. Sáenz, and our Director-elect, Fr. Rojas, at the Our Lady of Belen Chapel for the Misa de Pase. We are grateful to Belen for allowing us to celebrate this Mass at the beautiful Chapel of Our Lady. The following five young men made their consecration:

  • Manuel P. Antón, IV was sponsored by his padrino, and father, Dr. Manuel P. Antón, III

  • Carlos "CJ" Cristobal was sponsored by his padrino, Dr. Luis A. Sánchez

  • Diego Cuscó was sponsored by his padrino William Cueto, Jr., Esq. 

  • Luis Moas was sponsored by his padrino, and father, Dr. Carlos M. Moas

  • Julio Ruiz, III was sponsored by his padrino, and father, Dr. Julio Ruiz, Jr.

All of these men studied together as part of the young professional formation group in Miami. Three of these men represent generational lineage in the ACU: Manny Antón, Luis Moas, and Julio Ruiz. A spotlight and biography on each of them will follow in a later newsletter.

Following the Mass, the Agrupados gathered at Cosculluela Hall in Belen for lunch and presentation of the aspirant awards. Diego Cuscó was awarded the Enrique Baloyra award as the Exemplary Aspirant. Julio Ruiz was awarded the José María Rouco award for the most comprehensive Marian essay. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

On Sunday, Agrupados and their families and friends gathered at the Miami Chapter Campus to celebrate Mass for the Second Sunday of Advent. Fr. Sáens celebrated the Mass and was joined by Fr. Rojas. More than 125 individuals turned out for the Mass. Following Mass, Fr. Sáenz was presented with a stole embroidered with the ACU emblem as a token of appreciation for his five years of service. 


Esto Vir


Postulant Promise Mass (Misa de Pase a Postulante) this Sunday December 17