Fr. Rey de Castro is Interred at Iglesia de Reina

This past Sunday, January 14, 2024, the remains of our Founder, Fr. Felipe Rey de Castro, S.J., were permanently interred at La Iglesia Del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus y San Ignacio de Loyola, known colloquially as, La Iglesia de Reina, in Havana, Cuba, during the 10:00 a.m. Mass presided over by Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez, Archbishop of Havana. We are profoundly grateful to the Cardinal for presiding over this Mass and assisting in the process of transferring the remains of Fr. Rey de Castro from La Necrópolis de Cristóbal Colón to La Iglesia de Reina. The Cardinal was joined by numerous priests, including our Provincial, Fr. Martin Lenk, S.J., our new director, Fr. Jorge Luis Rojas, S.J., and the new pastor of Reina, Fr. Alaya, S.J. The internment of Fr. Rey de Castro at Reina establishes a pilgrimage site for all the faithful to invoke his intercession for their respective graces. It is also an opportunity to spread awareness of his life and his primary work, the ACU.

Prior to the Mass, Roberto Méndez, the author of the biography of Fr. Rey de Castro, gave an insightful and captivating introduction on the life and work of Fr. Rey de Castro to all the faithful. The presentation was recorded and will be shown at the Miami Chapter Guardia. Following the internment, Mr. Méndez autographed and distributed copies of the biography to those present.

Cesar Guerrero, president of the Miami Chapter, Erik Vieira, Julio Villafañe, of the Miami Chapter, and Reemberto Rodriguez, of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, were present for the ceremony. Reemberto was in Havana as part of a course he teaches at the University of Maryland, and thankfully, he was able to take the time to attend the Mass and ceremony. 


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