Final Farewell to Our Director

At Guardia this past Wednesday, January 3, 2024, in Miami, we bid a final farewell to our Director, Fr. Christian A. Sáenz, S.J., as he celebrated the last Guardia before heading to Rome for his new Mission.

Fr. Sáenz took on the role of Director in June 2019, and before completing one year in this role, the restrictions of the COVID pandemic took hold in March 2020. Fr. Sáenz remained steadfast in his role. Through his leadership, we created opportunities to keep Agrupados connected and committed. All Chapters transitioned to virtual events. He even directed a week-long virtual Spiritual Exercises for the Atlanta Chapter. The ACU YouTube Channel took hold at this time and his homilies remain among the top viewed videos of the Channel. However, Fr. Sáenz was quick to return to in-person attendance when it became safe and reasonable. This transition was critical for us, particularly since we celebrated a successful 90th anniversary not long after the restrictions were lifted.  

The ACU has experienced exponential growth under his leadership. The Miami Chapter, in particular, established three new formation groups during his tenure: University of Miami, Young Professionals, and Adult Group. Additionally, Fr. Sáenz helped spearhead the establishment of JAAMS, which has reinvigorated the growth of sodalities and connected the Esto Vir Group to other high school sodalities in the U.S. Additionally, Fr. Sáenz remained committed to pastoral visits to the Chapters providing the support and guidance necessary for each Chapter to continue their respective growth. 

Fr. Sáenz also directed the Spiritual Exercises at each Chapter. Over his tenure, attendance at the Exercises increased approximately 57% across all Chapters. He directed the Exercises for the experienced Agrupados and the beginners, such as the University students experiencing the Exercises for the first time. 

Fr. Sáenz has been overseeing the cause for canonization for Fr. Rey de Castro, which is on the cusp of being officially opened in the Archdiocese of Havana, Cuba. 

As he begins his new mission in Rome, we will keep him in our prayers. We pray that the Lord opens the doors and creates opportunities for his continued involvement with us as a Director for the Spiritual Exercises, Guardia visits, circulo presentations, pilgrimage leader, and other roles. 



Father Amando Llorente, S.J., Scholarship


ACU Founder to be Honored by Primate of Church in Cuba, Archbishop Juan de la Caridad Cardinal García