Esto Vir Group

The Esto Vir Group kicked off the 2023-2024 academic year last Tuesday, September 5, 2023, with the first general meeting of the semester. The group will continue the tradition of meeting bimonthly on Tuesday evenings at the ACU. Last week, the group began the night with a physical challenge. The challenge consisted of the students forming groups of five with each member of the group performing a physical exercise for points. The group with the most points won! Kicking off the semester with a physical challenge is becoming a tradition as it is an energy fueled and fun activity. Following the challenge, the students discussed the theme that was set at Belen for the academic year "In hoc signo vinces" - In this sign you will conquer. This is the phrase attributed to the conversation of Emperor Constantine the Great, in which an apparition of the Cross leads him to victory in battle, and ultimately to legalizing Christianity. Through this phrase, the students discussed the need to embrace the cross of Christ and what the embrace entails. For instance, they discussed how the cross symbolizes sacrifice and self-denial and contrasted that with a secular culture of selfishness and hedonism. The discussion was led by Anthony Iturbe, senior at Belen, and president of the group.


Feast of Our Lady of Charity in Montevideo, Uruguay


ACU University of Miami Student Group