Catholic Young Professionals (CYP) at Faith, Beauty and Devotion

Catholic Young Professionals (CYP), an apostolate of the Miami Chapter, held its annual Christmas social event at the Faith, Beauty and Devotion exhibition currently on tour at the Saladrigas Art Gallery of Belen Jesuit Preparatory School.

Faith, Beauty and Devotion is a collection of medieval, renaissance, and baroque paintings showcasing what ACU Congregant and President of Belen, Father Willie Garcia-Tuñon, S.J., describes as “rare works of art that elegantly capture the beauty of our faith and will help inspire our devotion”.  

CYP is conducted by some Congregants who recently graduated from the University of Miami and an Aspirant from the young professional formation group.

 You can join the 1,449 Instagram followers of CYP:  @CYPMiami.   



Washington D.C. Chapter: CUA Student Group


UCatholic, the University of Miami's Campus Ministry Program, Presentation by UM's Senior VP of Student Affairs Dr. Pat Whitely