Apostolate of Visitation

Agrupados have long held the tradition of visiting the older members that may be homebound due to illness or age or other limitations such as an ill spouse or family member. These Agrupados often take it upon themselves to visit another Agrupado that they know is homebound or has missed numerous Guardias in a row. These visits are part of an accompaniment process to keep Agrupados connected to the larger community by sharing news of the ACU or recent occurrences in the lives of other friends and acquaintances. Additionally, they serve as an opportunity to share grace because the visiting Agrupado is often authorized to dispense the Blessed Sacrament. In December of 2021, the Miami Chapter, led by Sergio Rodriguez, made a concerted effort to formalize these visits into the Apostolate of Visitation in response to the social restrictions brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic, which isolated many other Agrupados that could otherwise attend Guardia, but found themselves homebound due to underlying health issues that placed them at a high risk of serious illness and death.  

We continue to take inspiration from the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, who was with child, to her cousin St. Elizabeth. The Gospel tells us that St. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and experienced great joy at the sight of Mary and the Lord in her womb.

While Sergio has continued to undertake this Apostolate, he has been approached by others to assist in the effort, and thus, expand the number and frequency of visits.

We invite any Agrupado that is unable to attend Guardia due to health, age, frailty of a spouse or family member, or other conditions to contact us to arrange for a visit with the potential for reception of Communion. We also invite ACU widows that would benefit from our contacting/visiting them.

If you are interested, please email acuinfo@estovir.org or call 786-360-8004 so that we can determine how best to assist you.

Likewise, if any Agrupado would like to participate in this apostolate by visiting other Agrupados or their widows, either in person or by phone, please email acuinfo@estovir.org and advise of your willingness, availability, and contact information.


Fathers and Sons Group
