Agrupacion’s Father & Son Team Spreads Holiday Cheer with Toiletry Kits for Homeless

On Monday, November 13, a small team from the Agrupacion’s Father & Son group assembled toiletry kits for homeless men and women. 

The team gathered at the Agrupacion’s headquarters to put together over 200 toiletry kits, which will be delivered to the Missionaries Of Charity for distribution to those in need on Thanksgiving Day.  The kits contained items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, wet wipes, Kleenex, deodorant, soap, and hand sanitizer.  

The Agrupación’s Father and Son group is organized by invitation by the Agrupacion Catolica Universitaria (ACU). The group brings together Fathers and Sons for fun activities, Catholic formation, community service, and introduces them to the ACU. The meetings are hosted by Marty Perez with other men from the ACU. ACU members are encouraged to suggest fathers and sons who are friends and family that might be candidates for the group.

M.M. Perez


Aspirant and Postulant Promise


Spiritual Exercises: Washington D.C.