Atlanta Lechon 2022

After careful observation of the path of Hurricane Ian, the Atlanta Chapter was overjoyed to be able to host the Annual Lechon family event. Approximately 20 families attended the event and were blessed with beautiful weather - clear blue skies, and that comfortable Atlanta fall temperature. As is done every year, a handful of the students from the Georgia Tech student group were present to roast the pig and assist in setting up and cleaning up. The students are always directed by Congregante Lorenzo Leon, who has mastered the art of pig roasting. Thankfully, our Director, Fr. Christian A. Saenz, SJ, was in attendance and offered daily Mass for the group. Fr. Saenz was joined by Luis Sanchez, the National President, and Erik Vieira, the Pastoral Administrator.

During his homily, Fr. Saenz challenged the families to promote vocations within themselves. He noted that the Church, and the Jesuits in particular, are experiencing a drop in vocations. He stated that the drop in vocations is not due to the Lord failing to call men and women; rather, our families are not teaching their children to tune their hearts and their ears to the Lord's call to the priesthood and religious life. Thus, he implored parents to encourage their children to begin thinking and discerning the possibility of religious life from an early age. Luis Sanchez also spoke and buttressed this call to vocation by noting that the ACU has historically provided vocations to the Church. With renewed vigor and enthusiasm, the ACU has launched its 10-year strategic plan and is poised to continue its growth into universities. The Atlanta Chapter was blessed to be able to continue this annual tradition to support the local community of the ACU. We are grateful to Jose Batlle, the Atlanta Chapter president, and Jesus Leon, for their efforts in organizing this event, and to all those on hand at the event for making it a success.

CJ Cristobal

CJ Cristobal is the Media Communications Specialist for the ACU.


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