Agrupación's Father and Son Retreat with Brother Hunter D'Armand SJ: A Spiritual Journey in Miami

The Agrupacion’s Father and Son group gathered together at the ACU chapter house in Miami for an Ignatian retreat experience. Brother Hunter D’Armand SJ led the silent retreat. B. Hunter instructed the men on how to do the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola.  B. Hunter then proceeded to direct three different classic meditations: Principle and Foundation, The Call of Christ the King, and The Two Standards.  

The exercises were well received.  The Agrupación thanks B. Hunter for leading the exercises. The Agrupación’s Father and Son group is organized by invitation by the Agrupacion Catolica Universitaria (ACU). The group brings together Fathers and Sons for fun activities, Catholic formation, and community service, and introduces them to the ACU. The meetings are hosted by Marty Perez with other men from the ACU. ACU members are encouraged to suggest fathers and sons who are friends and family that might be candidates for the group.


Agrupacion’s Father & Son Team Spreads Holiday Cheer with Toiletry Kits for Homeless


Agrupación Father and Son Group Volunteers at Missionaries of Charity Soup Kitchen